A friend studying in Spain picked this up for me; I do not read Spanish but flicking through it I wish I did...
The book is divided into four parts. The first takes a broad view of the genre, with essays on the relationship between the giallo literature and film; the history of the genre; aesthetics and the role of woman as victim (with a picture of a topless, body-painted Edwige Fenech from Case of the Bloody Iris wrongly identified as from Strip Nude for Your Killer). The second looks at key filmmakers, with Argento, Bava, Ercoli, Freda, Fulci, Lenzi and Martino each getting a short chapter. The third looks at key film from other filmmakers - Death Laid an Egg, The Fifth Cord, Slaughter Hotel, The Bloodstained Butterfly, My Dear Killer, The Eye in the Labyrinth, What Have You Done to Solange, The Assassin Reserved Nine Seats, The Killer Must Kill Again and The House with the Windows that Laughed. The last part discusses the giallo in Spanish context and the relationship between the giallo and the slasher film.
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